Any luck with these devices:



I am getting ready to instal Vista Beta 2 on my Dell Dimension. It is an
older model but I have upgraded quite frequently. I ran the Vista Upgrade
Advisor and it tells me that my Santa Cruz sound card, Lexmark Printer x125
and CNet PRO200WL PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter may not work correctly with
Vista. Has anyone have any luck with these devices? I am really concerned
about this. My sound card is still a great 5.1 sound card and my printer I
just got at Christmas. I was planning on buying Vista when it came out for
release when I realized that my computer could run it but I do not think it
is worth buying a new Sound Card, new Printer, and New Network Card for.
Anyways I was just currious hope you can help.

Zack Uribe

Don't install it if that is your main or ONLY computer. The way you describe
it, it sounds like it is.

This is a BETA piece of software, the reason the advisor told you that those
pieces of software may not work correctly is because the manufacturers of
that hardware has not provided a driver to MSFT.


I know what a beta is, i have beta tested differnt linux distros and such for
the differnt developers. I understand that it is a beta and I was going to
put it on a partition all by it self and such. I was just wondering though
can the advisor be wrong?




I'm in the same boat with a Dell Dim 8100. When I tried to install the last
driver Turtle Beach made for the Santa Cruz, I got a blue screen on Vista. I
was surprised that Vista didn't recognize my Microsoft MN130 PCI Ethernet
adapter. Same issue with Lexmark printer(X1185), although it did recognize
the scanner on the all-in-one. With so many hardware issues, I didn't see
much of the new OS before going back to XP. I think I'll wait for the
official release. Dennis M.

Tom Scales

The reality is that a D8100 is just too old to be a practical Vista machine.
Nice when it was new, but antiquated now (I still have one).

For example, the Santa Cruz is discontinued. Clearly you wouldn't expect a
driver for it.



Heh, that signature is no longer my system. I tried to update it awhile back
and it didn't take.

Anyway, if you go to the Turtle Beach support website you'll find the latest
FAQ text file to download from the Santa Cruz support files section. That
FAQ suggests having an XP partition visable to the Vista partiton. You
install the 4193 setup on Vista, then update the driver from device manager
to the 4161s signed driver that is installed on the XP partition in the Santa
Cruz program files folder. I think it's in the Drivers\WDM folder. They say
that works. You just need the 4161s driver installed on XP first.

Personally, I don't see why you couldn't just turn off driver signing
temporarilly and keep the 4193's. You probably need to disable UAC too.

Heh, Newer soundcards are having similar driver difficulties on Vista, so I
wouldn't be so high and mighty. The Santa Cruz is still a great card. Not
everyone needs EAX 3 and 4. 16 bit sound is still fine for DVD's, CD's, and
Abit KT7A
XPHome SP2
Voodoo 5 5500 AGP
SBLive 5.1

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