Any ideas?



I'm a basic two-fingered typist and I'm doing something
with my left hand (I think) when I use my key board such
that whatever key it is I am hitting, it changes the
characters on my entire key board so as my words now
become nonsense writing. This happens quite regularly
(like once a week), I'm hitting some key or combination of
keys with the ball of my left hand and only realise it
when I look at the screen to see the gobbledegook that
appears. The only way I can reverse this is to shut down
the computer and start again which you will appreciate is
a real pain. Any bright ideas?


I think you may be activating the hadycap features of xp when you rest you havnd on the keyboard. You need to disable this feature. Go into accessibility options on the control panel adn make sure that you dont have sticky keys enabled.

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