AntiSpyware -Impossible to use -Expired!




I have the latest version of Microsoft AntiSpyWare. Downloaded yesterday.
Installed without any problem.
(Old version (same)removed long ago.)
When running only a bad sign showing up saying: This version of Microsoft
AntiSpyware has expred as of juli 31, 2005. Please contact Microsoft for an
updated version.

So, this irritate me a lot! I don`t know how to solve this problem???

Anyone out there who can help me????


I've seen this first hand myself. I'd reboot and try the install again. In
my case, I uninstalled the previous version and then retried the install and
it worked.

So--I don't know what the issue was, but it was transient.

If you have changed the long or short date format from the defaults for your
locale, this issue may not be transient. Go into the language settings, and
set the long and short date formats to the topmost choice on the dropdown
control. Other choices may result in unexpected termination dates for the


Many THANKS! Dave!
You have saved my day!
I used your link and everything became normal again.

Best Regards from Sweden


Thanks Bill! But in the frst run I used Dave M link to download and it solved
the problem.

Have a nice day!
Best regards from Sweden!


Thanks--so it appears that you did, in fact, find an expired version to
download. Sorry about that--hope you let the site owner know.


I've downloaded Microsoft Antispyware from the same location as described
above after running the validation test.
There were no problems with the installation.
Then I tried to launch the program, but unfortunately it started loading and
a window appeared with a short notice: Your version expired as of 31.12.2005.
I think this is quite impossible, because I am writing this message at
11:45, 28.10.2005 (GMT+2) as the system clock shows.
I am running Windows XP Service Pack 2 with the latest automatic updates.
Can someone help me?
Thank you in advance. :)

Dave M

Hi Gerda;
You're right it's only possible within MSAS... lol

From Bill Sanderson..
Reset both the long and short date formats to the topmost choice in the
dropdown box, which should be the default. Any other setting risks issues
such as this with beta1. This will be fixed in beta2.

Beta2 will be here before 31.12.2005, then you can return to your normal format.


Hi, Dave M!:)
Thank you very much for the advice.
I set the regional options to English(United States) and corrected the short
and long date formats as described above.
And the program works!

Best wishes!:)


There are two issues here:

1) date formats. If you leave your date formats at an other-than-default
setting, there's risk that the program might expire at an unexpected time.
So--if you run into the problem you did, the date format must be returned to
the default and left there, at least until beta2.

2) time formats. You need not set to a 12 hour time format permanently.
You do need to set to a 12 hour time format for long enough to choose your
desired scan and update times. Once those times are set, you can return to a
24 hour time format, if desired, and the scans or update checks will still
happen on schedule.

3) All of this will be fixed in beta2

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