Antispy with other programs



I know I may be a whore to M$ but I like the program and I
like what they are trying to accomplish here. I think one
of the major downfalls of the other spyware programs are
the lack of updates.

As a side note however back to my real topic. As an IT
professional who is bombarded everyday with rather dense
end users doing thier best to get webshots and Bonzibuddy
back on thier computers, we've discovered a combination of
SpyBot S&D, Microsoft AntiSpy and LavaSoft AdAware seem to
be a rather leathal 1,2,3 punch. Can any suggest a better
combo, or your thoughts on our approach? thanks!


Throw SpywareBlaster and Regprot on there, and that will
help add another couple layers of defense.

Tighten up your AUP also.. ;)

Ron Chamberlin

Hi Dustin,

I also toss Hijackthis, Winsockxpfix, Cwshredder, a recent version of
Stinger on the same CD or (locking)USB key.
Try to keep a recent update to AV on it also.

Ron Chamberlin


Cowboy Up! We gonna rastle that spyware until it
submits! Thanks for the suggestions.

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