Another problem with Marshalling

  • Thread starter =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Marc-Aur=E8le_Brothier?=
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Well I went further but now I'm stuck with the latest "hard" point in my
program. I have this structure in C++

typedef struct _PACKET {
PVOID Buffer;
UINT Length;
UINT ulBytesReceived;
BOOL bIoComplete;

"PVOID Buffer" will received an array of byte of size 256*1024. I need
to allocate this array in my C# program. The C++ Dll will insert the
data in the structure and I need to read this new value in my C# program.

The corresponding structure in C#:
public struct PACKET
public IntPtr Buffer;
public uint Length;
public uint ulBytesReceived;
public bool bIoComplete;

Declaration of the function
BOOLEAN PacketReceivePacket(LPADAPTER AdapterObject,LPPACKET
lpPacket,BOOLEAN Sync);

[ DllImport( "Packet32.dll", SetLastError=true,
EntryPoint="PacketReceivePacket" ) ]
private static extern bool DllPacketReceivePacket(IntPtr pHandle, IntPtr
pPacket, bool sync);

And here is the function where I use all the previous stuff:

public bool ReceivePacket(out byte[] data, out uint bytesReceived, bool
IntPtr tmp, tmp2;
PACKET packet;
tmp = LocalAlloc(MemoryAllocFlags.LPTR,
tmp2 = LocalAlloc(MemoryAllocFlags.LPTR,
packet.ulBytesReceived = 0;
packet.bIoComplete = false;
packet.Length = 256*1024;
byte[] test = new byte[256*1024];
packet.Buffer = LocalAlloc(MemoryAllocFlags.LPTR, (uint)test.Length);
if (packet.Buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new OutOfMemoryException("Couldn't allocate memory for message
Marshal.Copy(test, 0, packet.Buffer, test.Length);
data = null;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(adapterHandle, tmp, false);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(packet, tmp2, false);
bool res = DllPacketReceivePacket(tmp, tmp2, sync);
Marshal.PtrToStructure(tmp2, packet);
bytesReceived = packet.ulBytesReceived;
return res;
catch(Exception e)
string msg = e.Message;
bytesReceived = 0;
return false;

I check in the C++ Dll, and the value of PACKET.ulBytesReceived is
correctly modified, but I don't get back the new value in the C# program
after the marshalling of the pointer to the structure... Can someone
tell me what is wrong?

Thank you in advance!




Shouldn't write this line to get back the data
Marshal.PtrToStructure(tmp2, packet);

packet = (Packet32.PACKET) Marshal.PtrToStructure(tmp2,


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