Another Pass Parameter question



Here is the trick. I am using 3 queries for my report. Two of the queires
(sub) are based off the main query that holds the main parameter. As you have
guessed by now I get 3 parameters because of the nested queries. How do I run
my report with one and only one date range.

My set up..

Qry 1
Qry 2 (based off Qry 1) (nested)
Qry 3 (based off Qry 1) (nested)

Field name: Date

I need to get a start date and end date from this one date field. I would
like the user to be able to push a button from the main SB and enter the
start and end date from there. How is this done when the start and end date
is from one field and not two? Where do I begin?

Duane Hookom

You begin by adding text boxes "txtStart" and "txtEnd" to your main SB form.
Then get rid of all parameter prompts and use something like:

Between Forms!frmMainSB!txtStart and Forms!frmMainSB!txtEnd


I understand that part but I need to know how I would fire off the query from
a button or? I can have it on the exit property but it will not read the
STARTDate (first parameter)text box only the enddate (lastparameter). This is
where I am confused.

Duane Hookom

If your queries aren't "action" queries, then you don't need to "fire off
the query". Just open the report that references the queries.

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