Another Date ?




Here are the dates I tried, each being in a different record. The count
starts again for 7 days after expiration date. Is it possible to have the
message continue to say "Membership Expired" for all subsequent days after
initial expiration until the void date is changed. Other than that, it works

5/19/2008 = Expires in 7 days
5/20/2008 = Expires in 6 days
5/21/2008 = Expires in 5 days
5/22/2008 = Expires in 4 days
5/23/2008 = Expires in 3 days
5/24/2008 = Expires in 2 days
5/25/2008 = Expires in 1 day
5/26/2008 = Membership Expired
5/27/2008 = Expires in 1 day
5/28/2008 = Expires in 2 days
5/29/2008 = Expires in 3 days
5/30/2008 = Expires in 4 days
5/31/2008 = Expires in 5 days
6/1/2008 = Expires in 6 days
6/2/2008 = Expires in 7 days
6/3/2008 = No more messages after this date.

Ken Snell [MVP]

Yes. This code should do what you want:

Private Sub Form_Current()

Dim lngDays As Long
lngDays = DateDiff("d", Date, DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Me.txtVoid))

Debug.Print lngDays

Select Case lngDays
Case 1 To 7
MsgBox "Your membership will expire in " & _
lngDays & " day" & _
IIf(lngDays = 1, "", "s"), _
vbOK, "Membership Is Expiring"

Case Is <= 0
MsgBox "Membership Expired", vbOK, _
"Expired Membership"
End Select

End Sub


Ken Snell

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