Another Data Validation question




With Range("e5").Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateWholeNumber, _
AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertInformation, _
Minimum:="5", Maximum:="10"
.InputTitle = "Integers"
.ErrorTitle = "Integers"
.InputMessage = "Enter an integer from five to ten"
.ErrorMessage = "You must enter a number from five to ten"
End With

This above code will Add Data Validation to a Cell.

Is their a way to then retrieve back what Type it is ?

For example from the above code it is being set to the Type of
"xlValidateWholeNumber". How can this later on be retreived so I can tell
what type it is ?

Something like strType = Cells(5,5).Validation.Type
'Notes this does not work but something like this is what I am looking for.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


You can get the type but it will come back as the number represented by the
constant. Whole number 1, Decimal 2, ...

Sub test()

MsgBox ActiveSheet.Range("E5").Validation.Type
End Sub

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