Annoying prompt: ActiveX and app initialization


Tom Urtis

Hi everyone,

Last night I installed MS Office Professional Edition 2003. Even though I
already had Office 2002, I did a complete install (as opposed to the Upgrade
option at installation) . My O/S is Windows XP.

Since then, when I close an Excel application (most of mine contain VBA and
controls), an annoying message box appears, with "Microsoft forms" in the
title bar, the vbExclamation icon, and two buttons labeled OK and Cancel.
The text of the message is:
"This application is about to initialize ActiveX controls that might be
If you trust the source of this file, select OK and the controls will be
initialized using your current workspace settings."

I have done numerous searches on Google and did everything anyone had been
advised to do that was experiencing this same problem. I also went to this
KB link;en-us;827742
and followed the directions by setting the UFI control to 1 for each of the
3 registry keys listed on that page. One of the 3 key paths was incorrect
in that on my system at least, there was no "Office\Common" path
continuation, so I created one and still set the UFI to 1 there. No luck.

Nothing I've tried has worked. I guess Office 2003 is still too new
whereby there is not abundant information on how to fix this annoying pop-up
at application close (not quitting Excel necessarily, just closing a file
that contains VBA or ActiveX controls).

Has anyone experienced this and successfully fixed it? If so, how did you
fix it?

Thanks for any info or tips.

Tom Urtis

Andrew Mauer

Hi everyone,

Last night I installed MS Office Professional Edition 2003. Even
though I already had Office 2002, I did a complete install (as opposed
to the Upgrade option at installation) . My O/S is Windows XP.

Since then, when I close an Excel application (most of mine contain
VBA and controls), an annoying message box appears, with "Microsoft
forms" in the title bar, the vbExclamation icon, and two buttons
labeled OK and Cancel. The text of the message is:
"This application is about to initialize ActiveX controls that might
be unsafe.
If you trust the source of this file, select OK and the controls will
be initialized using your current workspace settings."

I have done numerous searches on Google and did everything anyone had
been advised to do that was experiencing this same problem. I also
went to this KB link;en-us;827742
and followed the directions by setting the UFI control to 1 for each
of the 3 registry keys listed on that page. One of the 3 key paths
was incorrect
(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Office\Common) in that
on my system at least, there was no "Office\Common" path continuation,
so I created one and still set the UFI to 1 there. No luck.

Nothing I've tried has worked. I guess Office 2003 is still too new
whereby there is not abundant information on how to fix this annoying
pop-up at application close (not quitting Excel necessarily, just
closing a file that contains VBA or ActiveX controls).

Has anyone experienced this and successfully fixed it? If so, how did
you fix it?

Thanks for any info or tips.

Tom Urtis

We're getting the same behavior where the MS resolutions aren't working.
We're running Office 2003 Professional Enterprise Edition on a brand new
Windows XP Professional box, so I don't think it's a matter of updates.

The original XLS files were developed in Office 2000 with mostly
Microsoft developed controls (MS DataGrid, MSCOMCTL.OCX, etc.).

Funny thing is, we didn't run into this issue when testing our Office
solution on the Office 2003 Beta version...
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I have the problem where when I add an add-in to Excel, I get the same
message. I know it is this custom activex control that I have created
because if I take it out of the addin, I do not see this message
anymore. I have even digitally signed the ocx file and that does not
seem to fix the problem. I have already looked at the KB article and
none of the changes to the registry seems to fix the problem either.
If anyone can help me out, that would be greatly appreciated.

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