Animations in web pages that just won't stop!


Steve H,,2031755,00.html

Can somebody out there tell me how to stop infuriating animations like the
'wipey sponge' in this Guardian page. Normally a right click and untick of
'play' and 'loop' does the trick, but in this case that action is denied. I
have been through and set almost all the possibilities in advanced settings
and in security for the web to 'prompt', but it just keeps right on going.
How can I get proper control back and prevent this kind of thing in the



Jon Kennedy

I don't get any "wipey sponge" animation when going to that page - just the
normal Flash animation in an ad at the very top of the page. I *think* you
are referring to ads that appear in windows in front of the page. Those are
also done with Flash. You can block Flash on your system - all the time or
selectively. This site has many ideas on how to accomplish this: - either through editing the registry, or
through third-party Flash blocker software.

Steve H

Thanks for the advice and interesting link Jon: I have now installed
Flashswitch - but so far its icon has not appeared in the notification area
as it should... (have mailed them).

Has the IE7 popup blocker evolved to take care of these by any chance?


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