and & countif?



I have a list of dollar amounts that I'm trying to count
the number of items that match a certain production
level. Here are my levels: >=20, between 10 and 19,
between 1K and 10, and <=0. I can figure out the >=20 and
<=0 by doing a simple countif function. I've tried
combining the AND function with COUNTIF, to no avail. I
need to create the function for each level in it's own
cell, otherwise I'd just do a nested IF. Please help!

Bernard Liengme

Hi Jennifer,
For 10 to 19 you could use Countif( cases >=10) minus Countif(cases >19)
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A100>=10),--(A1:A100<=19) (here I assume A1:A100 for you

best wishes

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