And another thing - time accrued calculation


Django Cat

While I'm here...

I have never been able to get Excel to calculate time totals instead
of treating time values as times of day.

I'm currently keeping a time sheet; I enter the time I start and the
time I finish working in two columns, and then subtract start from end
in a third column to give the time for that session. This column is
then totalled to give the total time spent on the project so far.

However (and I bet this has come up in this group a million times
before & everyone know what's coming next) every time my total accrued
hours goes over 24 it reverts to 00:00 just like a clock would.

All cells are formated as hh:mm, and times are entered as, for
example, 16:28.

Any suggestions gratefully recieved.

Bob Phillips

Format that cell as [h]:mm



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


If not a million times then its a great many. Format the subtraction cell as



Django Cat

If not a million times then its a great many. Format the subtraction cell as


I thought it might have been! Thanks for all the prompt replies, I'll
give that formatting a try.


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