Analysis Toolpak



I've got spreadsheet in which functions from Analysis Toolpack don't work.
For example I write in the cell in this workbook
"=MDURATION(37000;37001;3%;1%;1;3)" and this function doesn't work in one
workbook and works in the others.
What can be the reason for it?

Thanks for help

Jerry W. Lewis

What do you mean by "Doesn't work"? If you get a #NAME! error, then the
Analysis Tookpack is either not installed or is not checked under
Tools|Add-Ins on that comptuer.



I've got 2 situations:
one is when I get #ARG! (I don't know, how it is in English ver., but in
Polish one it means that "one of the arguments is not a number).
Then I go to the VBA\Tools\References... and after unchecking atpvbaen.xls I
get in Excel #NAME! error.
It happens only in this one workbook.


Jerry W. Lewis

If the arguments are passed as cell references, check to see if any of
the "numbers" are actually text (though Excel XP seems to convert text
inputs to numbers automatically in MDURATION).

You might also check the regional settings to be sure that ";" is the
correct argument separator on that machine (though in Excel XP with US
settings, I get an error dialog instead of an Excel error value if I use
";" instead of ",")

In Excel XP (US), if any of the 1st 5 arguments is not numeric (and not
coercible to numeric), then I get #VALUE!. If the optional 6th argument
is not numeric, I do not get an error at all.



But the same formula works in every workbook except for 'this workbook' so
it is not the issue of regional settings or "numbers"



I dealt with problem- I copied all sheets and modules from 'destroyed
workbook' to the new created one. Now all is ok!
But I still don't know, what was the reason for the problem.
Thanks to everyone for your answers.

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