An unknown error has occured



Every time my email downloads I get the subject error a number of times. Once
I say OK the download continues and I get all my messages.

Gary VanderMolen [MVP]

I'm not aware of an error message in Windows Mail that says
"subject error". If that is not the exact error message, please copy
and post the exact error message.

Sam Hobbs

Does "subject error" mean the error in the subject of your message? If so,
then note that it often does not work to use the subject to describe the
problem. The subject should indicate the problem, but the problem must be
fully described in the body of the message. In my experience, anyone that
uses the subject to describe the problem does not explain the problem
adequately enough to get a useful answer.

As Gary said, copy the entire error message from Windows Mail and paste it
in a message here.

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