An unhandled exception of type 'System...............

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i got error problem..........
An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an

Namespace PirateChat <========== error occurred in here

Public Class mainPirateChat
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form.
End Class
End Namespace

i have search in microsoft and google too. but i don't see nothing
declaring variables. the only i wrote small code that fine. but when i
added some more codes i got error problem.
how to i trap error problem?

I do not see it directly, what I am first thinking about, is that it is not
impossible that you have an endless loop and your program goes out of mem.

here is debug:

NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname
NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking Ident
NOTICE AUTH :*** Couldn't look up your hostname

PING :23273344 001 djanjo2 :Welcome to the UnderNet IRC
Network, djanjo2 002 djanjo2 :Your host is, running version u2.10.11.06 003 djanjo2 :This server was created Sun Jan 11
2004 at 04:21:44 CET 004 djanjo2
u2.10.11.06 dioswkgx biklmnopstvr bklov 255 djanjo2 :I have 5132 clients and 1 servers
:Highest connection count: 7804 (7803 clients) 375 djanjo2 :- Message
of the Day -
An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an
at PirateChat.PirateChat.mainPirateChat.Main() in C:\Documents and
Settings\Afraz\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\VbNet\project\PirateChat\mainPirateChat.vb:line 14

I don't see nothing "instance of object"
additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an
Supra said:
here is debug:
at PirateChat.PirateChat.mainPirateChat.Main() in C:\Documents and
Settings\Afraz\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\VbNet\project\PirateChat\mainPirateChat.vb:line 14

Can you post the source code of your main method? What's the code on line
'February 2004
'An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred
'Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an
Option Explicit On
Option Strict Off

Imports System
Imports System.Text
'Imports System.Net.Dns
'Imports System.Net.Sockets

Namespace PirateChat

Public Class mainPirateChat <===== The error occurred here in line 14
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Private WithEvents netBots As New PirateChat.ClientFactory
Private WithEvents Netsock As New PirateChat.SockFactory
Dim clsReader As New PirateChat.clsReadWriteXML
Dim nlform As New PirateChat.frmNotifyLists
Dim frmPref As New PirateChat.frmPreferences
End Class
End Namespace
everytimes i changed and modified code again.this is comming from this
event i put another first class.vb and this second class.vb is calling
from first class . and second class goes into mainPirchatechat form.

this is first class. if i change code again i will get error line 14
from mainPirateChat form
Private Sub Netsock_onDataArrival(ByVal Data() As Byte, ByVal
TotalBytes As Integer) Handles Netsock.onDataArrival
Dim inData As String = Netsock.BytestoString(Data)
Dim lData(), C(), CLi As String, tData, CL, a, i As Integer
Dim b() As String

lData = Split(inData, Chr(10))
tData = UBound(lData) - LBound(lData)

For a = 0 To tData
If Mid(lData(a), 1, 1) = ":" Then
lData(a) = Mid(lData(a), 2)
End If

For CL = 0 To tData
C = Split(lData(CL), " ")
ReDim Preserve C(32767)
CLi = lData(CL)

Dim spNick As String(), sNick As String
Dim strNick As String = CLi
spNick = strNick.Split("!")
sNick = spNick(0)

If C(0) = "PING" Then
nStatus.rtbStatus.DisplayMessage(nStatus.rtbStatus, "PONG :" &
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage("PONG :" & C(1).Substring(1))
Netsock.SendData(Netsock.StringToBytes("PONG :" &
C(1).Substring(1) & vbCrLf))
End If

If C(0) = "ERROR" Then
Dim int2 As Integer = CLi.IndexOf(":")
CLi = CLi.Substring(int2 + 1)
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage(CLi.ToString)
End If

If C(0) = "NOTICE" Then
Dim int3 As Integer = CLi.IndexOf("NOTICE")
CLi = CLi.Substring(C(0).Length - 6)
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage(CLi)
ElseIf C(1) = "NOTICE" And C(2) = "AUTH" Then
Dim int1 As Integer = CLi.IndexOf(C(0))
CLi = CLi.Substring(C(0).Length)
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage(CLi)
ElseIf C(1) = "NOTICE" And C(2) = Netsock.Nick Then
Dim nic As Integer = CLi.IndexOf(C(0))
CLi = CLi.Substring(C(0).Length + 1 + C(1).Length +
1 + Netsock.Nick.Length)
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage(CLi)
End If

'Select Case C(1)
'Case "001" To "376"
If C(2) = Netsock.Nick Then
Dim servString As String
Dim intI As Integer = CLi.IndexOf(Netsock.Nick)
servString = CLi.Substring(intI + Netsock.Nick.Length)
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage(servString)
servString = String.Empty
End If
'End Select

End Sub

i solved it.
everytimes i changed and modified code again.this is comming from this
event i put another first class.vb and this second class.vb is calling
from first class . and second class goes into mainPirchatechat form.

this is first class. if i change code again i will get error line 14
from mainPirateChat form
Private Sub Netsock_onDataArrival(ByVal Data() As Byte, ByVal
TotalBytes As Integer) Handles Netsock.onDataArrival
Dim inData As String = Netsock.BytestoString(Data)
Dim lData(), C(), CLi As String, tData, CL, a, i As Integer
Dim b() As String

lData = Split(inData, Chr(10))
tData = UBound(lData) - LBound(lData)

For a = 0 To tData
If Mid(lData(a), 1, 1) = ":" Then
lData(a) = Mid(lData(a), 2)
End If

For CL = 0 To tData
C = Split(lData(CL), " ")
ReDim Preserve C(32767)
CLi = lData(CL)

Dim spNick As String(), sNick As String
Dim strNick As String = CLi
spNick = strNick.Split("!")
sNick = spNick(0)

If C(0) = "PING" Then
nStatus.rtbStatus.DisplayMessage(nStatus.rtbStatus, "PONG :" &
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage("PONG :" &
Netsock.SendData(Netsock.StringToBytes("PONG :" &
C(1).Substring(1) & vbCrLf))
End If

If C(0) = "ERROR" Then
Dim int2 As Integer = CLi.IndexOf(":")
CLi = CLi.Substring(int2 + 1)
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage(CLi.ToString)
End If

If C(0) = "NOTICE" Then
Dim int3 As Integer = CLi.IndexOf("NOTICE")
CLi = CLi.Substring(C(0).Length - 6)
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage(CLi)
ElseIf C(1) = "NOTICE" And C(2) = "AUTH" Then
Dim int1 As Integer = CLi.IndexOf(C(0))
CLi = CLi.Substring(C(0).Length)
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage(CLi)
ElseIf C(1) = "NOTICE" And C(2) = Netsock.Nick Then
Dim nic As Integer = CLi.IndexOf(C(0))
CLi = CLi.Substring(C(0).Length + 1 + C(1).Length +
1 + Netsock.Nick.Length)
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage(CLi)
End If

'Select Case C(1)
'Case "001" To "376"
If C(2) = Netsock.Nick Then
Dim servString As String
Dim intI As Integer = CLi.IndexOf(Netsock.Nick)
servString = CLi.Substring(intI + Netsock.Nick.Length)
RaiseEvent onSeverMessage(servString)
servString = String.Empty
End If
'End Select

End Sub
