Amortization Speadsheet with a Difference



Hi Guys and Gals (?)

This is my first post here ... so be gentle ... I am looking for a Guru
to solve a problem ... I am a debt collector (ewwww!!!) and a couple of
new client have asked that I confirm the calculations of the debts
being claimed as accurate - this doesnt ordinarily present a problem
.... but when there are multiple defaults problems come in ...

Looking at the attached Client Debt Statement (inside the zip file) I
want to change the sheet, so it calcates interest at the default rate
of 24% if the loan payment is not made by the due date - the default
rate only applies to the amount not paid, and until an arrears have
been brought into line

The spreadsheet I am using would well be modified to suit .. ??

Looking for some hand holding here ....



|Filename: Debt |
|Download: |

Jake Marx

Hi Darrin,

The attachment URL doesn't work...I get this:

"Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify
the webmaster"


Jake Marx

[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]

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