Amortization Schedule



Is there someplace where I can get instructions on creating an Amortization
Schedule without using the template? I'm using Office 2003.


you can create your own by using the folowing formulas..
=cumprinc() - creates a decending princible balance
=cumipmt() - creates a decending intrest balance
you will have to copy down for the length of the loan for each formula
calculates off the previous loan balance. other amounts can be calculated.
for example...
principal payment this month = previous loan balance - current loan balance.
intrest payment this month = payment - principal payment this month.

I did this for my morgage and found it to be reasonably accurate. off from
the morgage company's numbers but only by pennys.
look up the 2 formulas above in xl help for details on how they work. Thats
what i did.

good luck

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