amd and linux



60C is a bit hot - most programs to monitor motherboard temperatures set the
warning levels at 60. Easy to check - just take the side panel off the case
and that'll drop temperatures quickly and burn some cd's. If all goes
smoothly look at ways to drop your temperatures.
eg keep the case dust free - have a decent heatsink/fan on the CPU - fit a
case fan.

Matthew Paterson


I have an AMD Duron 1.2, and it seems to be hanging quite often. This
mainly happens when I am doing cpu intensive stuff, like ripping and
encoding a dvd, or encoding mp3s. The cpu temp seems to be around 60
degrees c, when this happens.

Is that hot? Any ideas what could be wrong?



I have an AMD Duron 1.2, and it seems to be hanging quite often. This
mainly happens when I am doing cpu intensive stuff, like ripping and
encoding a dvd, or encoding mp3s. The cpu temp seems to be around 60
degrees c, when this happens.

Is that hot? Any ideas what could be wrong?

If the processor is running at spec'd stock speed it shouldn't crash
at 60C, EVER. However, it's hard to speculate whether that's an
accurate temp. It could be overheating, or motherboard instability,
or power supply inadequacy, or ... (we need complete description of
the system, or at least the more relevant parts).



Matthew Paterson said:

I have an AMD Duron 1.2, and it seems to be hanging quite often. This
mainly happens when I am doing cpu intensive stuff, like ripping and
encoding a dvd, or encoding mp3s. The cpu temp seems to be around 60
degrees c, when this happens.

Is that hot? Any ideas what could be wrong?

i have a couple of amd machines both athlon's
one is 1mhz the other is 1.2mhz
though they run ok at 60C it may not be a bad idea to add cooling
as i;ve found some problems as the temp started going above 65C

otherwise your problem *might* be due to the smaller cache size of the duron

Matthew Paterson

If the processor is running at spec'd stock speed it shouldn't crash at
60C, EVER. However, it's hard to speculate whether that's an accurate
temp. It could be overheating, or motherboard instability, or power
supply inadequacy, or ... (we need complete description of the system,
or at least the more relevant parts).

Ok :

250 W psu
Gigabyte GA-7DXR+ mobo
1x 256 DDR
1x DVD
2x HDD
1x AMD approved heatsink and fan with heatsink paste


Ok :

250 W psu
Gigabyte GA-7DXR+ mobo
1x 256 DDR
1x DVD
2x HDD
1x AMD approved heatsink and fan with heatsink paste

Video card? Other cards?

If it's a good PSU 250W may be enough, but otherwise I'd suspect the
PSU, monitor voltages and try swapping in another PSU if you have the


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