Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Fuller
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Bill Fuller

Is anyone familier with Amazon's Elastic compute cloud for hosting
applications? It appears to be UNIX based. I am wondering if anyone is
familier with something similar for utility computing for C#/Winforms
(ClickOnce), SQL Server 2005 applications?
Bill said:
Is anyone familier with Amazon's Elastic compute cloud for hosting
applications? It appears to be UNIX based. I am wondering if anyone
is familier with something similar for utility computing for
C#/Winforms (ClickOnce), SQL Server 2005 applications?

This is a pretty hot topic right now, MS are only just starting to
publically talk about their initiatives in the cloud space, first cab
off the rank is storage due for public beta real soon now (check out
MSSDS at ) so it
doesn't take a genius to figure out that they will be going after the
hosted app market on top of this framework and I would be stunned it it
were not managed code.

Some people are already taking some guesses as to what its code name
will be (
platform.php )

Regards Tim.
