always need 32 characters



I need to copy cell entries into another program that then puts a
perspective resize on the text. In order for the perspective to work
properly, the content has to be exactly 32 characters in length so I
need something that will figure out the current number of characters in
the cell but then add the appropriate number of blank spaces.
Thanks in advance.


Private Sub DoPadTo32()
Dim sResult As String * 32
Dim cellCurr As Range
Set cellCurr = ActiveCell
LSet sResult = cellCurr.Value

'Documentation From Excel VBA HELP follows
'LSet stringvar = string
'LSet varname1 = varname2
'The LSet statement syntax has these parts:
'Part Description
'stringvar Required. Name of string variable.
'tring Required. String expression to be left-aligned within stringvar.
'varname1 Required. Variable name of the user-defined type being copied
'varname2 Required. Variable name of the user-defined type being copied
End Sub

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