--alpha = 0.10, alpha = 0.05, and/or



I just typed that --alpha = 0.10, alpha = 0.05, and/or into a cell and
noticed that XL thinks I'm trying to type a formula.

When/why would you begin a formula with -- ?

I know -- can be used with SUMPRODUCT and other functions, but as the
beginning of a function??

And yes I know I can fix this by putting an apostrophe to the left. I just
don't get what XL is thinking here...


Bob Phillips

It is treating alpha as an Excel defined name because it is preceded by an
operator (-- is just twice of -), so it thinks it is a formula. -alpha, +
alpha does the same.



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)

Bob Phillips

BTW, -- is not specific to SUMPRODUCT, type this
=IF(--"2006-11-28"=TODAY(),"Yes","No") and see.



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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