Allow users to edit range query



Excel 2002

If I set up an area, say c1:c5, all locked and then Allow users to edit
range and protect worksheet, I would expect an allowed user to be able
to double click on any cell in the range and input in it or move to one
of the allowed cells and input to it.

This isn't happening, double clicking on anywhere in the range defaults
to the first cell and you can only input there, doesn't seem to be any
way of moving to the other cells.

What am I doing wrong? ;-)

Regards Shaun

Dave Peterson

I use xl2003, but I never noticed that behavior in xl2002.

But in any version of excel, if you double click on a top border, it's like
hitting End|up arrow. Same kind of thing when you click on the left border --
End|left arrow.

Maybe you've just missed the cell and hit the border????


No, I get the same result wherever I double click. Once in I can only
edit the the topmost cell and can't move away from it.



Seems to work if I allow all users to select locked cells when
protecting the worksheet. Iwas rather hoping to give access only to the
unlocked cells.


Dave Peterson

Ah, I didn't see where you mentioned that you were restricting selection to only
the unlocked cells in your first post.

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