All records Where [table x].[field x] contains > 100 characters?



I just want to write out a query that returns all records (from a single
table)where a particular field contains more than 100 characters. Can
someone please tell me how to properly write out this criteria?

Thanks much in advance.


I just want to write out a query that returns all records (from a single
table)where a particular field contains more than 100 characters. Can
someone please tell me how to properly write out this criteria?

Thanks much in advance.
Select TableName.* From TableName
Where Len([FieldName]) > 100

Marshall Barton

ExcessAccess said:
I just want to write out a query that returns all records (from a single
table)where a particular field contains more than 100 characters. Can
someone please tell me how to properly write out this criteria?

Len(thefield) > 100

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