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I have a user at my job, that when she logs in to her account to use the
excel sheet she needs, excel starts, shows the entire sheet and then "causes
an error and needs to close."
This started with her original machine "98", so I showed her how to run
excel in safe mode and that worked for about a week.
Knowing this was a temp fix, I "rebuilt" a machine with 2000 pro. Did all
the updates, office and service packs, all the critical updates and
everything under the sun I could find.
So I test out the "new" machine and under admin logon, tada it works. Logon
as her and same error.!!!!!!!!!!!! The file is located on a server, so I
logon as my real name user, which has normal user rights and tada it works.
I then go to my fellow IT coworkers and on thier machines open the file
under their name and tada it works.
Gets Better......
I create a NEW USER ACCOUNT for this person and tada it works. I give her
the new machine, new account logon and all is well.
Fast forward 3 days and quess what ????
She has FULL access to this file and everyone else mentioned earlier can
still open this file with no problem.
What in the world can she be doing that this file does not work under her
Any tada's in any direction is welcome.
2000 servers w/ EX2003 and a proxy just incase


Dave Peterson

Just a guess...

The last time I got an error like this it was caused by a corrupt *.xlb
file--where excel stores your customized changes to any of the toolbars.

You could check if it is the toolbar file by:
close excel
windows search
search for *.xlb
(in hidden folders for hidden files, too)

Rename all the *.xlb files you find to *.xlbOLD

Then restart excel and see if that helps.

If it does, then rebuild any customized changes to the toolbar at your

If it doesn't, then close excel and rename all those *.xlbOLD back to *.xlb.

Chip Pearson has some notes on how to diagnose startup errors at:

And Jan Karel Pieterse has more notes at:


Just a thought with no simple idea ...

Check the computer for the persons old user name/account/password. she may
be changing the password back to her old one.

Also, ask her what changes she is making to her account. She might putting
in old software or screensavers.

- -Mark

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