All cells not calculating



I have a code that does a vlookup function for all cells
in a range then copies the results and pastes values. The
problem is that it looks like it pastes values before the
vlookups are finished calculating. I have tried the
Application.Wait command to no avail. When I step through
the macro it calculates fine. Is there another way to
force VBA to wait until the worksheet is finished
calculating before proceeding?

Niek Otten

Hi Chris,

A bit difficult to say!
What formulas in your worksheet? What data? What code in your module? What
results did you expect? What did you get instead?


Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel

John Tjia

Is your calculation set to Automatic (Tools>Options>Calculation)? Try
Application.Calculate instead of .Wait also.

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