Aligning Wraped Text to the bottom of a cell



I am trying to Align Wraped Text to the bottom of my cell, but it
appears to be centering it.

My row highth and column width have to be fixed where I have them for
my report.

Example text : "Start of the text. Middle of the text. End of the

it is wraped and I am getting:
"the text. Middle
of the text. End"

When what I would like to get is:
"ddle of the text.
End of the Text."

So that it show the end of my text in the cell - not the middle.

Anybody have any iteas on how this would be accomplished.

Thanks in advance
Troy Vincent


Thanks Bearacade,

I tryed that with no real change. I have also chaged the vertical to
top and this does exactly the oppisite of what I am trying to get. That
is it shows the test at the begining of the cell.

I am still looking for help.


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