I hope I can describe my problem. I work for an electric
cooperative. We have automated meter reading equipment
that reads each of our electric meters. At the end of
each month I take that reading and copy it to Excel,
several thousand (say for January) then I do the same for
Feb. etc... I substract the Jan reading from the Feb
reading and have the usage of that meter for that month.
I continue for each month and we use these totals for
figuring our line loss. My problem comes in when I get
several months and I need to align each meter number by
date across the sheet. Some months a meter is gone and
new ones are always added. I've been using cut and
paste, but when you get several months across the sheet
thats gets really hairy and takes forever. Any
suggesting for writnig something that would automatically
align. Hope this makes sense. Thanks.

Tom Ogilvy

Why are you cutting the missing meters. Just leave them there, then if you
want to print out a report with them excluded, apply an autofilter to your
data and use a custom filter condition to only show non-blank entries in
that column.

For calculations, expand you formulas to take into account a blank cell.

If you are having trouble reading what row you are on, look at Freeze Panes
under the Window menu. for example, select B2 and do Window=>Freeze Panes.
Then row1 and column A will stay visible on the top and left while you
scroll the sheet.

Otto Moehrbach

It's a little difficult to follow your problem without being familiar
with your job. If you wish, send me a small file that demonstrates what
your data looks like. Then, within that file, take me by the hand, so to
speak, and show me what you have to do, month by month, and the problem that
you want Excel to help you with. Specifically tell me what you want Excel
to do. Remove "cobia97" from my email address. HTH Otto

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