AIM Stopped Working after SP2.



I Installed SP2 and now everytime my kids try to IM a buddy, the famous
"ERROR HAS OCCURED" box pops up. I have tried adjusting the firewall,
uninstalling and reinstalling AIM.

Any suggestions ??

Please Help....

AppName: aim.exe AppVer: 5.9.3690.0 ModName: kernel32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00009e9c

Thanks Rob ...

(e-mail address removed)

Richard Urban

Aim (AOL) threw away a bunch of accounts. Yours may be one of them. They are
admitting to 10,000 but it may be many times that amount. (-:



Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew half as much as you think you know,
You'd realize you didn't know what you thought you knew!


aim is spyware with wild tangent and for some stroke of
luck, sp2 does not like spyware.
try trillian for a universal im client


: aim is spyware with wild tangent and for some stroke of
: luck, sp2 does not like spyware.
: try trillian for a universal im client

Or use an earlier version of AIM. I use 4.8 and it works great.

: >-----Original Message-----
: >HI,
: >I Installed SP2 and now everytime my kids try to IM a
: buddy, the famous
: >"ERROR HAS OCCURED" box pops up. I have tried adjusting
: the firewall,
: >uninstalling and reinstalling AIM.
: >
: >Any suggestions ??
: >
: >Please Help....
: >
: >AppName: aim.exe AppVer: 5.9.3690.0 ModName: kernel32.dll
: >ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00009e9c
: >
: >Thanks Rob ...
: >
: >[email protected]
: >.
: >


Alias said:
: aim is spyware with wild tangent and for some stroke of
: luck, sp2 does not like spyware.
: try trillian for a universal im client

Or use an earlier version of AIM. I use 4.8 and it works great.
The kids are using AIM on XPSP2 boxen with no problems. It sounds like
the OP has it blocked by a firewall.



Hi, I thought that also, but the I have disabled the fw, enable it specifying
AIM as an exception... Uninstalled it and re-installed it .... still the same

Any ideas ?


Rob said:
Hi, I thought that also, but the I have disabled the fw, enable it
specifying AIM as an exception... Uninstalled it and re-installed it
.... still the same thing..
I just asked the kids again and they say that AIM works fine with SP2.
Have you updated AIM from lately? I think there is a new
version and that might solve the issue for you.



: Rob wrote:
: > Hi, I thought that also, but the I have disabled the fw, enable it
: > specifying AIM as an exception... Uninstalled it and re-installed it
: > .... still the same thing..
: >
: I just asked the kids again and they say that AIM works fine with SP2.
: Have you updated AIM from lately? I think there is a new
: version and that might solve the issue for you.
: Malke

I am running version 4.8 on XPSP2 with no problems on three machines so I
don't think an update will help.


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