aggregate functions



I've written quite a few user-defined functions in vba in MS Access I was
just wondering: Is there any way to write a user-defined aggregate
function, like Access's Count, Min and Max functions that you use in your

K Dales

Yes, you can use VBA with ADO to develop your own user-
defined aggregate functions. As an example, here is a
DMedian function I wrote to get the median of a data set:

Function DMedian(FieldName As String, Domain As String, _
Optional Criteria As String) As Variant

On Error GoTo Err

Dim SQLStr As String
Dim MedianRs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim RecordsReturned As Integer, EvenOdd As Boolean,
MedianRecord As Integer
Dim Median1 As Variant, Median2 As Variant
Dim TrueName As String

TrueName = Replace(FieldName, "[", "")
TrueName = Replace(TrueName, "]", "")

SQLStr = "SELECT " & FieldName & " FROM [" & Domain & "]"
If Not (Criteria = "") Then SQLStr = SQLStr & " WHERE " &

SQLStr = SQLStr & " ORDER BY " & FieldName

Set MedianRs = New ADODB.Recordset
MedianRs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
MedianRs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
MedianRs.Open SQLStr, CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly

RecordsReturned = MedianRs.RecordCount
If RecordsReturned = 0 Then GoTo Err

EvenOdd = (Int(RecordsReturned / 2) = (RecordsReturned /

If EvenOdd Then
MedianRecord = Int(RecordsReturned / 2)
MedianRs.Move MedianRecord - 1, 1
Median1 = MedianRs.Fields(TrueName).Value
Median2 = MedianRs.Fields(TrueName).Value
DMedian = (Median1 + Median2) / 2
MedianRecord = Int(RecordsReturned / 2) + 1
MedianRs.Move MedianRecord - 1, 1
DMedian = MedianRs.Fields(TrueName).Value
End If

If MedianRs.State = adStateOpen Then MedianRs.Close
Set MedianRs = Nothing

Exit Function


On Error Resume Next
If MedianRs.State = adStateOpen Then MedianRs.Close
Set MedianRs = Nothing
DMedian = CVErr(2001)

End Function

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