age calculation using field date of birth by query

  • Thread starter B Panneer Selvam
  • Start date

B Panneer Selvam

1.calculating the current age using date birth field by access query. 2 nd
how can I seperate the Name field (full name ) in to two name field like
First name and last name using query.
3.Please provide me the web site address or various functions formula tips
with example that can be useful to create database more effective. Thank you.
B.Panneer Selvam.

Douglas J. Steele

1. See at "The Acces Web"
for how to calculate Age.

2. Separating names isn't as trivial as it may sound. You can use
Left([FullName], InStr([FullName], " ") - 1) and Mid([FullName],
InStr([FullName], " ") + 1) to handle most of them, but what are you going
to do with names like Billy Bob Thornton or names like Cher? Unfortunately,
you usually need USB (Use Someone's Brain)

3. A little too broad a question. Take a look at all of the stuff that's at
"The Access Web" site I cited above. Another good list of resources can be
found at Jeff Conrad's

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