Advice about error handling function


John J.

I've written the function below which deletes backupfiles (of which the name
starts with yearmonthday) older than 30 days in a specified folder. Though
it works, I'm not sure about the err_handler. The handler takes care of the
situation where Cdate() doesn't give a valid date and types don't match.

I would be happy if someone could give me advice if and how this could be
done better.
Thank you,

Function delBU(strBUfolder As String)
Dim strTemp As String
Dim d As Date

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

strTemp = Dir(strBUfolder)
Do While strTemp <> vbNullString
d = CDate(Mid(strTemp, 5, 2) & "/" & Mid(strTemp, 7, 2) & "/" &
Left(strTemp, 4)) 'month/day/year
If Date - d > 30 Then
Kill strBUfolder & strTemp
End If
strTemp = Dir

Exit Function
If Err.Number = 13 Then 'Types do not match
d = Date 'Set to today so that this file doesn't get deleted
Resume Next
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

Tom van Stiphout

In my version I am assuming the files you are interested in have
8-char filenames. Adjust as needed. One side benefit is that
Mid(strFile, 7, 2) does not blow up if the filename has less than 8

Function delBU(ByVal strBUfolder As String)
Dim strFile As String
Dim d As Date
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
If Right$(strBUfolder, 1) <> "\" Then strBUfolder = strBUfolder & "\"
strBUfolder = strBUfolder & "????????.*" 'Only looking for 8-char
strFile = Dir(strBUfolder)
Do While strFile <> vbNullString
d = DateSerial(Left(strFile, 4), Mid(strFile, 5, 2), Mid(strFile,
7, 2))
If DateDiff("d", d, Date) > 30 Then
Kill strBUfolder & strFile
End If
strFile = Dir
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function

John J.

Thanks Tom.

The files are longer than 8 characters but I can adopt the idea with a few
more ?'s.

I notice that the dateserial doesn't blow up when strFile is not a valid
date (for instance 00000000). It then tries to convert the number to a valid
date. Indeed works better than Cdate()

What is the reason you prefer
if DateDiff("d", d, Date) > 30 Then
over the shorter
If Date - d > 30 Then


Douglas J. Steele

The problem with DateSerial is that you could have a file name of
20091338xxxx.txt, and DateSerial would happily accept 20091338 as a valid

My recommendation would be to use the IsDate function, just in case:

Function delBU(ByVal strBUfolder As String)
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim strFile As String
Dim strFirst8Chars As String
Dim d As Date

If Right$(strBUfolder, 1) <> "\" Then
strBUfolder = strBUfolder & "\"
End If
strBUfolder = strBUfolder & "*.*"
strFile = Dir(strBUfolder)
Do While Len(strFile) >= 8
strFirst8Chars = Left(strFile, 8)
If IsDate(Format(strFirst8Chars, "####-##-##")) Then
d = DateSerial(Left(strFile, 4), Mid(strFile, 5, 2), _
Mid(strFile,7, 2))
If DateDiff("d", d, Date) > 30 Then
Kill strBUfolder & strFile
End If
End If
strFile = Dir()

Exit Function

MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Handler

End Function

John: The reason why I use the DateDiff function is because I'm doing date
arithmetic, and would rather use the built-in date arithmetic functions than
rely on numeric arithmetic. Yes, it should result in the same thing, but why
not use functions specifically built for the purpose?

John J.

One other thing I noticed:
strBUfolder = strBUfolder & "????????.*"
wil make the first dir call to search for a file with 8 characters.
But strFile = Dir will continue searching without that criteria.


John J.

Thanks for the pointer. That's safer.

One detail is that:
Do While Len(strFile) >= 8
will make the function stop if a file is found that has less than 8
characters, while I need the function to continue searching till it has
evaluated all files.

I also noticed that
strBUfolder = strBUfolder & "*.*"
resulted in an error when trying to kill the file.

So I made the following changes and added a number of days feature. It works
like a charm. Thanks again guys for the help!

Function delBU(strBUfolder As String, intNrOfDays As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim strFile As String
Dim strFirst8Chars As String
Dim d As Date

If Right$(strBUfolder, 1) <> "\" Then
strBUfolder = strBUfolder & "\"
End If

strFile = Dir(strBUfolder & "*.*")
Do While strFile <> vbNullString
If Len(strFile) >= 8 Then
strFirst8Chars = Left(strFile, 8)
If IsDate(Format(strFirst8Chars, "####-##-##")) Then
d = DateSerial(Left(strFile, 4), Mid(strFile, 5, 2), _
Mid(strFile, 7, 2))
If DateDiff("d", d, Date) > intNrOfDays Then
Kill strBUfolder & strFile
End If
End If
End If
strFile = Dir()

Exit Function

MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Handler

End Function


Tom van Stiphout

I don't think so. The first time you specify the pattern, and
subsequent calls to Dir will continue to use that pattern.

Microsoft Access MVP

John J.

I falsely derived that from my test. I thought that "????????.*" would
exclude for instance 2 letter filenames, but it doesn't.

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