Advanced searchbar+Pop up Jammer LOST



searchbar froI can't remember where i got my Advanced m,( I've misplaced it,
you see )..It had 'All the Internet' as the also came with the
POP-up-Jammer (blue box,inside another blue box), I'm new to computing, but
i think i got this 'searchbar' from one of the freeware sites,( the ones
that come up on the 1st page when looking for the word 'freeware').....I
hope someone can help me out,....I'm wondering if it's not just part of the
windows O/S, i don't think so though....anyway, without it, i've only got
that 'orrible long address bar, so PLEASE HELP me someone...OH YEAH!! when
you searched for a word, it said at the top of the results...'SEARCHING 4
MILLION SITES, that might be 'BILLION'...but that's the one.....All the
Hope you can help me out 'ere, cos it's doin' my head right in!!

Black Knight

fredcromer said:
searchbar froI can't remember where i got my Advanced m,( I've misplaced it,
you see )..It had 'All the Internet' as the also came with the
POP-up-Jammer (blue box,inside another blue box), I'm new to computing, but
i think i got this 'searchbar' from one of the freeware sites,( the ones
that come up on the 1st page when looking for the word 'freeware').....I
hope someone can help me out,....I'm wondering if it's not just part of the
windows O/S, i don't think so though....anyway, without it, i've only got
that 'orrible long address bar, so PLEASE HELP me someone...OH YEAH!! when
you searched for a word, it said at the top of the results...'SEARCHING 4
MILLION SITES, that might be 'BILLION'...but that's the one.....All the
Hope you can help me out 'ere, cos it's doin' my head right in!!

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