Advanced Filter


Wayne Burritt

Hi: I'm trying to use advanced filter on a list. When I select the as the
criteria range b3:r4, it works fine. The problem is when I try to use to
criteria for column (criteria range b3:r5) it doesn't work. But Excel help
says you can filter on 2 or more criteria per column. any ideas? Wayne

Debra Dalgleish

What doesn't work? What do you have in the criteria range, and what
results do you expect to see after the filter is applied?

All items that are on the same row will be treated as though they are
joined with an AND. Items on different rows are like using an OR.

For example, for the following criteria range:

City Item
Toronto Desk

the filter would return all rows with City:Toronto AND and Item:Desk,
OR City:Ottawa (and any Item).


I might have stumbled on an answer...I ran into the same
thing today. Look in DATA/FILTER/ADVANCED FILTER and
check the range that is specified.

For some reason if was only filtering my first 33 rows and
I had 1547 total. My criteria range originally was
$B$1:$B$33. I edited the 33 to read: $B$1:$B$1547 and
then OK.

It now filters my whole list and shows all the filter
criteria possible for the column.

Hope this helps,

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