Advanced filter to sort on secondary column



In a joined form I have a field that is bound to the ID key in a realated
table, but which displays a secondary column instead of the ID. When I
create an advanced filter, it sorts by the ID column when I really want it to
sort by the second (displayed) column. Sort order is correct by the ID.

I've tried, but I can't figure a way to bring the second table into the
Advanced Filter window to try and relate it (though I'm not certain that this
is the right approach).

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


Allen Browne

Can you create a query that contains both the form's table and the lookup
table, and use that query as the RecordSource of the form?

You can then specify the sorting in the query.

(There is an Access bug you could hit if the lookup table has a Default
Value on any of its fields. If it complains about not being able to save the
record at the instant you start adding records, it is (inappropriately)
trying to assign the default value to the lookup table's field.)

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