Advanced Filter Problems



Hi. I have a list of every zip code in the U.S. with various demographics.
I also have another list with about 500 zip codes that i want to filter with
the first list to pull the corresponding demographics. I have the sheet set
up correctly because i have used Advanced filter 100's of times. But this
time when i run the filter, the whole original list (with EVERY zip code) is
reproduced in the place where the filtered list should appear. I'm thinking
that the zip code cells are not formatted the same (Like on one list they are
text, and the other they are numbers). But i try to change the cell format
so they are both numbers or both text, and i still get the wrong filtered
list. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to get this to work? Thanks
in advance.

Bob Phillips

Does one or the other have some leading or trailing spaces? Try doing
=LEN(A1)=LEN(B1) as a check (adjust to suit).



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


Thanks for the advice. I checked the len and it checked out fine. I ended
up just doing a copy and paste of the whole spreadsheet into a new
spreadsheet, and it workd that time. Wierd stuff.

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