advanced filter: duplicate result



I am attempting to utilize the "advanced filter" feature in Excel 200
to copy all the unique text entrys in a column to anothe
column/location. I proceed as: Data/Filter/Advanced Filter, Copy t
another location, then select the column (as list range), specify th
copy to location, and select "Unique records only." However th
resulting list yields two identical entrys in the first two cells wit
the only difference between them being the label "Extract" has applie
to the first cell. How can I perform this function without having th
repeated entry?
Thanks! :

Frank Kabel

one way: why not remove the word 'Extract' prior to using the advanced

Debra Dalgleish

Your list should have a heading. If it doesn't, Excel will treat the
first item as a heading, and it will be repeated in the extract range.

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