Advance function of excel to get sorted data



Name hit1 hit2 hit3 hit4
a 1 2 4 1
c 2 2 2 2
b 2 2 3 3
a 1 1 2 1
c 1 2 1 2
a 3 1 1 1
b 2 2 2 2

Which advance function of excel can be used to find How many times 'a' is
having '1' in each column(hit1,hit2,hit3,hit4) data?

Bob Phillips

See response in worksheet.functions


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


Hi Tom,
This is Charlie again to bother you.
I remember last time you gave me solution for my excel query.

Name hit1 hit2 hit3
a x e a
c y d b
b t u h
a b t e
c t s w
a f t j
b e i r

Which advance function of excel can be used to find what text 'a' is
having in each column(hit1,hit2,hit3,hit4) data like
"=sumproduct(--(A$2:A$7="a"),--($B$2:$B$7=1))" to get product of numbers?

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