adp/sql2k data updatability with a bound form



Basics: I have a form which is bound to a stored
procedure with input/output parameters. I have set the
recordset property to the ADO recordset I am retrieving
in code. I want to be able to update the data on the
screen and prompt the user to save the changes with an OK
button. If data has changed (dirty) a yes/no msgbox
appears --If yes-commit and close. If no, rollback and
return to screen. (The data is not refreshed at this
point). If the user clicks CANCEL, same yes/no msgbox
appears. If yes--rollback and close the screen, If no--
return to screen and continue. Any sample code would be
greatly appreciated!


Vadim Rapp

R> Basics: I have a form which is bound to a stored
R> procedure with input/output parameters. I have
R> set the recordset property to the ADO recordset I
R> am retrieving in code.

don't do that. Specify recordsource for the form and let it build the recordset

R> I want to be able to
R> update the data on the screen and prompt the user
R> to save the changes with an OK button. If data
R> has changed (dirty) a
R> yes/no msgbox appears --If
R> yes-commit and close. If no, rollback and
R> return
R> to screen.

sub cmdOK_click
docmd.runcommand saverecord
end sub
sub cmdCancel_click
if msgbox("cancel changes?)=vbyes then undo
end sub
sub beforeupdate (cancel as boolean)
cancel=(msgbox("update data?")=vbno)
end sub

I didn't test this code, it's just a sample.

Note that rollback is implemented not in cmdOK_click - that's because Access
will try to commit the changes if the user closes the form, or navigates to
another record, and some other events. This way, you intercept them all.


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