ADODB problems with multiple applications on the same web server


Steve Mauldin

I have Two ASP.Net applications running on a windows 2000 Server box. One is and one is . They have the same code in them to
connect to the same SQL Server 2000 database using ADODB. I restart IIS on
the server and Browse to the first application and it connects to the
database and retrieves a recordset without a problem. I then Start another
browser window and go to the second application. The query is executed on
the SQL Serverthe ADO RecordSet is not recordset BOF and EOF. My code then
goes into a while not Rs.EOF then it errors on the next line with "Object
reference not set to an instance of an object. " Both the recordset and the
connect is closed in each application and these are standalone web sites.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If rs.EOF And rs.BOF Then

Err.Raise(30009, "error 9", gSettings.ConnectString & "RecordSet is BOF and

Exit Sub


While Not rs.EOF

If UCase(rs.Fields("Value").Value) = UCase("TRUE") Then <==== Code errors
out here

Steve Mauldin

This is a self answer for anyone else with this problem. I was able to find
an answer for this myself at;en-us;810098. MSDN
article 810098 stated that this is a framework 1.0 issue but I have the
latest 1.1 .net framework installed and this is still a problem. So look to
this article if your having dll problems in a web server running multilpe
websites read this article. It applies to the 1.1 framework as well.

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