ADO.NET and positioned update


Aleksey Dmitriyev

What happened to the Positioned Update functionality in ADO.NET in general
and SqlClient in particular? It was available in ODBC ("UPDATE statement
with a WHERE CURRENT OF...") and OLEDB (IRowsetChange), but not in ADO.NET.
Moreover, there is no cursors anymore. I understand it may be a different
programming paradigm, but what if there is a legacy code that needs to be
converted using the same paradigms as in ODBC and/or OLEDB?

Is it going to be in ADO.NET 2.0?


Pablo Castro [MS]

ADO.NET is designed about the disconnected data-access model, and haven't
included support for cursors. Note that you can still use SQL syntax (UPDATE
.... WHERE CURRENT OF ...) to do positioned updates, provided that you
declared/opened the cursor before that (also using T-SQL syntax for
declaring/opening cursors).

As for ADO.NET 2.0, no, we don't have cursors support in it.

Pablo Castro
Program Manager - ADO.NET Team
Microsoft Corp.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Aleksey Dmitriyev

Disconnected data-access model does not always work well, especially when
ADO.NET is not used directly from business application, but used as a
low-level data access layer to build another abstraction layer. What does MS
offer for that in the managed world?

It seems even more strange when you think about implementing CLR stored
procedures in SQL Server 2005. It uses the same ADO.NET provider, doesn't
it? UI hop you are not recommending using disconnected data sets inside of
the CLR stored proc. I thought CLR stored procs would be at least as
functional as T-SQL, but it seems they will be lacking support for the

This was the impression I got after looking at SQL Server 2005 Beta 2.
Please correct me if I am wrong.


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