Administrator's Password...?!?



I have a problem and i cannot access the desktop of my computer. This was probably due to some virus which i wont elaborate for now. But the bigger at hand rite now is, that when i try to repair my system through the winxp boot CD, it asks me for an administrator's password. I've tried leaving it blank, or typing in all the possible passwords that i've used in the past. None of them worked. What is the problem? Have I set a password before and completely forgotten about it? or is there a set admin password???...


and the problem i have prevents me from accessing safemode as well. so the safemode option is no good.

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

NoWeaKnESS said:
I have a problem and i cannot access the desktop of my computer. This was probably due to some virus which i wont elaborate for now. But the bigger at hand rite now is, that when i try to repair my system through the winxp boot CD, it asks me for an administrator's password. I've tried leaving it blank, or typing in all the possible passwords that i've used in the past. None of them worked. What is the problem? Have I set a password before and completely forgotten about it? or is there a set admin password???...

You might try to reset the local Administrator password
with one of the methods mentioned here:

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