Administrator Password



I am interested in setting a password for the overall Administator account
which never had a password assigned to it. Unfortunately when I switch to
User Accouts, the Administrator account does not show. How can I get it to
show and assign a password to it?


Press Ctl+alt+del at logon screen
or logoff , then do above
type in Administrator
enter current p[password (leave blank if none)
Once in Windows set password (Don't forget it!! Maybe create password
recovery disk.)


if you are talking about the default admin account, then you can try it this
From your User Account that has Admin rights, click on Start>run> type in
control userpasswords2
Once there you find the default admin account and assign a password..but, be
very careful to not forget that password because if you do, and you need to
use that account, to fix any problems with your computer you are going to be
very unhappy.

I think you can also assign a password the default admin account from within
safe mode>user accounts, but I'm not sure.

The reason that account is not showing up in user accounts, firstly, when
you get the os installed, there is only one account, the default ( built
in ) admin. account, but once you go to User Accounts and create an account
with admin rights, the default one will not be visible unless you boot to
safe mode. There is a difference between a user account with admin rights
and the built in Administrator Account.


if you are talking about the default admin account, then you can try it this
From your User Account that has Admin rights, click on Start>run> type in
control userpasswords2
Once there you find the default admin account and assign a password..but, be
very careful to not forget that password because if you do, and you need to
use that account, to fix any problems with your computer you are going to be
very unhappy.

I think you can also assign a password the default admin account from within
safe mode>user accounts, but I'm not sure.

The reason that account is not showing up in user accounts, firstly, when
you get the os installed, there is only one account, the default ( built
in ) admin. account, but once you go to User Accounts and create an account
with admin rights, the default one will not be visible unless you boot to
safe mode. There is a difference between a user account with admin rights
and the built in Administrator Account.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


WinXP Home? Restart in Safe mode, that is the only way to access this
WinXP Pro? At the Welcome screen, hit ctrl+alt+delete twice to get the older
Win2K logon prompt and type in administrator.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

Bruce Chambers

rohit said:
I am interested in setting a password for the overall Administator account
which never had a password assigned to it. Unfortunately when I switch to
User Accouts, the Administrator account does not show. How can I get it to
show and assign a password to it?

By design, the only way to log into the Administrator account of WinXP
Home is to reboot into Safe Mode. For WinXP Pro, pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL
twice at the Welcome Screen will produce the standard login dialog box.


Bruce Chambers

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