Admin password protected



Please help. I was playing around with passwords and put a password for the
Administrator. I no longer want the Admin to be password protected, but I can
not get it off. If any one knows how please let me know!!


it is highly reccomended to keep a password on for admin for security.

but if you want to take it off thats ok.

if under control panel -> users accounts you see admin click on that and
push remove password.

IF however you mean the "administrator" account not nessarary a user with
admin priveleges -> administrative tools -> computer manangement and do it
that way.

Not sure.

if someone does know an easiler way do reply here! lol.

restart your comp press F8 until you see a black screen with text. Select
safe mode

load up comp login as the admin, go to control panel user accounts and click
remove password under admin.

if your in xp pro i think you dont have to do that. Click on control panel
-> performance and maint.


sorry that post went all jumbled. if you have not fix prob let us know how
you added a password. but user accounts under control panel should do the


tiiim said:
sorry that post went all jumbled. if you have not fix prob let us know how
you added a password. but user accounts under control panel should do the

User Accounts under CP won't work because the Administrator
account is not visible if there is at least one user account.
Boot in safe mode. The Admin account becomes visible in User
Accounts. You can then remove the password.


Please help. I was playing around with passwords and put a password for the
Administrator. I no longer want the Admin to be password protected, but I can
not get it off. If any one knows how please let me know!!

Start - Run
type in "control userpasswords2" (without the quotes) in the 'Open' box.
A box will come up with the current usernames.
Highlight the 'Administrator' username, if not already highlighted.
Click on the 'Reset Password' button in the "Password for Administrator" pane.
A 'Reset Password' entry box will open.
Leave both the "New Password" and "Confirm new password" entry boxes empty.
Click on OK.
Thanks to 'Taurarian' for that 'control userpasswords2' hint.

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