additem removeitem


Chip Pearson

When you remove items from a ListBox or a ComboBox (or, also, Rows from a
Range), you should work your way from the bottom up, not top down. That is,
your loop should go from ListCount-1 to 0, not from 0 to ListCount-1.
Otherwise, your index will get screwed up as you delete an item. For
example, if you select Item(5) and delete it, what was originally Item(6) is
now Item(5). If you then delete Item(6), you are deleting what was
originally Item(7). All this can be avoided by starting with ListCount-1 and
moving down to 0. E.g.,

Dim N As Long
For N = .ListCount-1 To 0 Step -1
If Something(N) = True Then
.RemoveItem N
End If
Next N

Chip Pearson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Excel Product Group, 1998 - 2008
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)


Hi All,

Can't figure out why the following script won't remove selected items

With frm_map

Dim X As Integer
For X = 0 To .lst_map_prop_for_trans.ListCount - 1
On Error Resume Next
If .lst_map_prop_for_trans.Selected(X) = True Then
.lst_map_trans_to.AddItem .lst_map_prop_for_trans.List(X, 0)
.lst_map_trans_to.List(.lst_map_trans_to.ListCount - 1, 0) =
..lst_map_prop_for_trans.List(X, 0)
.lst_map_trans_to.List(.lst_map_trans_to.ListCount - 1, 1) =
..lst_map_prop_for_trans.List(X, 1)
.lst_map_trans_to.List(.lst_map_trans_to.ListCount - 1, 2) =
..lst_map_prop_for_trans.List(X, 2)
.lst_map_trans_to.List(.lst_map_trans_to.ListCount - 1, 3) =
..lst_map_prop_for_trans.List(X, 3)
.lst_map_prop_for_trans.RemoveItem (X)
End If

Next X
X = X + 1

End With

Other info: both listboxes are in separate frames (in the same form) and are
set to multiselect. The issue is that when I select one item to "transfer" it
works, but with two or more items selected the first or half of the items
selected will move, but not the second or second half of the items selected.

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


I'm sorry I mis-spoke

I meant to say that the script will remove the first item or first half of
items selected, versus all of them.


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Try removing them the in reverse order...

For X = .lst_map_prop_for_trans.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1


Dave Peterson

First, I'd remove the "On error resume next" line. It can be hiding the error
from you.

Second start at the bottom of the list and work your way to the top:

For X = .lst_map_prop_for_trans.ListCount - 1 to 0 step -1



Just read your response, thank you!

Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB) said:
Try removing them the in reverse order...

For X = .lst_map_prop_for_trans.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1



Hi Dave,

Thank you for your response! I hadn't thought about the "On error..."

Thank you.

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