adding zero's to a text cell




I have a cell with 5 digits stored as text. I need to add 3 zeros to the
cell so my total digits in the cell = 7. How can I add the zeros to the
beginning of the cell?
ie. current digits = 4204, desired outcome = 0004204. The cell must remain
in text format.



Assuming your numbers are in column A,
in B1 put this and copy down.........


then Copy > PasteSpecial > Values on column B to delete the formulas and
delete column A if desired

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


If you are trying to do this in a worksheet function use =text(A1,
This will format the number to always have seven digits to the left of
the decimal point.

If you want to just type it in the cell and have it keep the zeros type
a ' in front of the number like '0045343. The apostrophe just tells
excel to treat those zeros as text and will not print or even show in
the cell.


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