Adding/Updating Records in Access with Excel



Hi Everyone-

I have found some code that has helped me add records to an Access (2003)
table. I am having difficulty though finding a way to tell the VBA to either
Update/Append or add a new record when I click the button. My Unique field
in excel is in col. A and is tied to the Access field name "Project_Name".
If the record, based on the ID, already exists, I would like for it to simply
update all of the records. If the record is new, based on the project ID, I
would like for it to add a new row in the access DB. Below is the code that
I have so far...

DB name: Test Project DB.mdb
Table Name: ProjectDataCollection
Unique ID Location in Excel: Column A ("Project_Name")

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

' exports data from the active worksheet to a table in an Access database
' this procedure must be edited before use
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset, r As Long
' connect to the Access database
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source=\\HSG\Files\HSG Resources\PM Task Force 2006\Tools -
Design Versions\Test Project DB.mdb;"
' open a recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "ProjectDataCollection", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic,
' all records in a table
r = 2 ' the start row in the worksheet
Do While Len(Range("A" & r).Formula) > 0
' repeat until first empty cell in column A
.AddNew ' create a new record
' add values to each field in the record
.Fields("Project_Name") = Range("A" & r).Value
.Fields("Estimated_Start") = Range("B" & r).Value
.Fields("Estimated_Launch_Fielding_Date") = Range("C" & r).Value
.Fields("Estimated_Close_Fielding_Date") = Range("D" & r).Value
.Fields("Estimated_Finish_Date") = Range("E" & r).Value

' add more fields if necessary...
.Update ' stores the new record
End With
r = r + 1 ' next row
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing

End Sub

Thank you for your help!!!!


No. You need to search the records if you want to update existing
ones. The records having a primary key would make it easier to find a
match. The steps would be as follows. For each row in Excel search the
Access table. If a match is found, update the record. If a match is
not found, add a new record.




Then how to amend the code, if I need to search the records and update
exsiting one?


Try this, changing references to suit.


r = 2 ' the start row in the worksheet
Do While Len(Range("A" & r).Formula) > 0
' repeat until first empty cell in column A
bFound = False
With rs
If .Fields("FieldName1") = Range("A" & r).Value then
.Fields("FieldName2") = Range("B" & r).Value
' edit more fields as needed
.Update ' stores the new record
bFound = True
End If
Loop Until rs.EOF
If rs.EOF And bFound = False Then
.AddNew ' create a new record
' add values to each field in the record
.Fields("FieldName1") = Range("A" & r).Value
.Fields("FieldName2") = Range("B" & r).Value
' add more fields as needed
.Update ' stores the new record
End If
End With
r = r + 1 ' next row

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