Adding to Block senders list



I received several junk email this morning. When I right click on the peice
of mail., the add sender to block senders list has a red cross out icon on
the dropdown. There is also a red cross out icon on the junk mail options
line. Can anyone help me fix this problem. I am using Outlook 2007

Charles W Davis

I simply delete these messages. There are millions of variations of the
spoofed senders. You block one, the next has a different variation of the
spoofed sender, yet looks identical. You can't possibly set up enough block
senders. Hopefully, your ISP will install some blocking software. My ISP,
Cox Communications, did just that on April 1. The junk dropped from 170+ per
day to appriximately 3. Now the spammers are using different tactics and 5
to 6 a day get through.

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