Adding something to a complicated formula



Hey peeps!

I have a formula that turns the cell red if the number of received
items is less than the number ordered, and only if the scheduled date
they were to come in is past today's date. I would like to add in the
formula the ability to recognize in the ordered and recieved column if
I needed to order more at a later date, or if I received the total
items at different 11+3 in the ordered column, meaning I
ordered 11, realized I needed more and ordered 3 more. Can I make a
formula to recognize this additional requirement? Here is the original
formula I have in the cells: =AND(E3<D3,TODAY()>G3). Thanks.

Dave Peterson

I bet you could some fancy/smancy stuff with a userdefined function, but I think
I'd take the easy route and add another column:

Call it Split Shipment and put a Y if it's split.

Then you could just add that check to your formula.


Thanks, but unfortunately, I might need that fancy/smancy function.
Sometimes the shipment comes in 6 different orders; ie a sum of 20
ordered parts comes in 5, then 4, then 3, then 5 more, etc. Do you
know of any way to modify my original equation? Thanks.


I don't think you have given enough information for me to solve this problem,
but let me suggest an approach:
You must have a column (A?) with the name of something you ordered (ex: pens)
You must have a date ordered column
and a date recieved (or to recieve) column (G)
column D is the number of items ordered
column E is the number of items recieved
Now, considering your formula, =AND(E3<D3,TODAY()>G3).
It is E3 and D3 that must be changed. E3 is not one number, but rather, it
should be the total of every number in column E where you recieved pens
between today and the original order date.
Also, D3 is not one number, but rather, it should be the total of every
number in column D where you ordered pens between today and the original
order date.

I believe you could solve this problem by using conditional statements an
hlookup(), but I don't want to go any further unless my analysis is correct.
please confirm, sending some sample data if possible.

Dave Peterson

You can create a userdefined function that returns true or false if the cell
contains a formula:

Option Explicit
Function HasFormula(rng As Range) As Boolean
Set rng = rng.Cells(1)
HasFormula = rng.HasFormula
End Function

Then you can include that test in your formula:


But if you start entering 5 as =5, then this won't work. It actually looks for
any old formula.

If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:


Hi Anne. I'll explain in depth. I have 3 columns that pertain to this
formula: =AND(E3<D3,TODAY()>G3). D3 is the number of items ordered.
E3 is the number of items received. G3 is the date that these items
are scheduled to come in. This formula works as it needs to , telling
me in red if the number of received items (E3) is less than the number
ordered (D3), ONLY if this happens past the scheduled date (G3), and
that scheduled date (G3) is past today's date. In addition to this
function, I also need this formula to allow for items that are
delivered or ordered at different times. For example, I need 4 pens,
but I received them in two different shipments, 3 in one shipment, and
1 in another shipment. I need to see this in excel so I know they came
in different shipments. But excel won't recognize 3+1 in the number
received column (E3) and work out the formula so that it does what my
original formula does. I need to rewrite the formula so that not only
does it do =AND(E3<D3,TODAY()>G3), but that the cell has the ability to
recognize 3+1 if shipments come separately. BTW, these all happen in
individual cells, each row has something different ordered, so the
formula changes from E3 and D3 all the way thru E20 and D20. So it is
not about totalling at the bottom of the columns...Make sense. I hope
so. If anyone can let me know if this is possible...GREAT! Thanks.


Hi, I'm guessing that when you enter your data in column E you use
something like 3 for a single shipment and =3+1 for multiple shipment,
is so then one solution would be to insert an appostrophe in front of
the value for a single shipment, that way excel will treat that cell as
text while still being able to do some math, then for your CF you could
use =AND(E3<D3,TODAY()>G3,NOT(ISTEXT(E3)))

Note. it's just a thought, I'm not an expert!



Try this:
(first assuming that you have a column (C) containing the items you ordered,
like "pens")
In your formula, =AND(E3<D3,TODAY()>G3)
Replace E3 with: (SUMIF(C3:C$20,C3,E3:E$20))
Replace D3 with: (SUMIF(C3:C$20,C3,D3:D$20))
Where 20 is the number of rows in your sheet.
This will allow your function to evaluate all of the ordered and recieved
pens beyond the specified date (whatever row you are in).

Probable bug:
If you ordered 20 pens, recieved 5, and then ordered 15 more, recieving all
15, then this function would still return red, even though you have 20 pens,
because it would have your number ordered calculated as 35 pens. Therefore,
you may need to keep D3 as is.

Sorry if this is a bit incoherent, I'm still not sure exactly what you need.
Try the function and tell me what you think.

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