Adding Several Rows at a time and Asking for User Input



Hello all,

Have a workbook with 2 sheets--one named "Fields" containing formatted
columns, rows, etc., and another called "Data" containing the data. I
would like the following functionality when adding a new record in Data
(one record consists of 4 rows):

1. Copy the group of 4 formatted rows in the Fields sheet (rows 13
through 16),
2. Activate the Data sheet,
3. Have the user click on a cell in column A above where he or she
wants the 4 rows to be inserted,
4. Insert the 4 rows (adding rows if placed between existing records
so as to not overwrite data),
5. Ask the user for the value of the cells in column A (A-cells in the
4 rows will all be the same value),
6. Ask the user for the value of the cells in column B (all 4 B-cells
will also be the same), and
7. Have Excel fill in the cells with the values.

Also, when inserting the new record (4 rows), a user may happen to
click on any of the rows or cells in column A of the same record, so
the new record would have to be placed below the last used row of the

Hope this makes sense; any help would be greatly appreciated.



This is all untried, untested, but is provided to to give you an idea of
the approach to the solution.

1. Copy the group of 4 formatted rows in the Fields sheet (rows 13
through 16),


2. Activate the Data sheet,


3. Have the user click on a cell in column A above where he or she
wants the 4 rows to be inserted,

LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row
Response = MsgBox("The last row containing data is " & LastRow & ". Do
you want to add the records in the next available
rows?", vbYesNo, "Destination Option"
If Response = vbYes Then
Cells(LastRow + 1,1).Activate
InsOpt = Application.InputBox("Enter a cell in A1
format - example: "A15" - where you want to insert
the records.", "Select Insetion Point", Type:=8)
End If

4. Insert the 4 rows (adding rows if placed between existing records
so as to not overwrite data),

If InsOpt <> Cancel Or InsOPt <> "" Then
End If

5. Ask the user for the value of the cells in column A (A-cells in the
4 rows will all be the same value),

aVal = InputBox("Enter the value for column A of the inserted records.",
"Col A Values"

6. Ask the user for the value of the cells in column B (all 4 B-cells
will also be the same), and
bVal = InputBox("Enter the value for column B of the inserted records.",
"Col B values"

7. Have Excel fill in the cells with the values.

Cells(Range(InsOpt).Offset(4,0),1) = aVal
Cells(Range(InsOpt).Offset(4,0),2) = bVal

Also, when inserting the new record (4 rows), a user may happen to
click on any of the rows or cells in column A of the same record, so
the new record would have to be placed below the last used row of the

I'm not sure what the last paragraph means.

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