Adding secondary words ABOVE words




I wonder if there is this kind of feature. As I am typing Japanese, for
Kanji characters, I want to add the hiragana above it to make reading easier.
Generally (for those who do not know much about Japanese), I want to add
smaller characters above the main words. Is there such kind of feature?

I want the main words to remain its original size, but I just want to add
smaller characters above them. By the way I am using Microsoft Word 2002.


You can try looking into equations and field codes and see if that helps.
Would probably work ok for a few words but lots of work for large amounts of


First, enable Japanese text support (Start - Programs - Microsoft Office XP
Tools - Microsoft Office XP Language Settings)

Select the Kanji in your document, then go to Format - Asian Layout -
Phonetic Guide, and either select "default readings" or enter the hiragana as
"Ruby text"

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